So I travel – a lot. And as I do, I tend to keep an eye out for the weird, wonderful, wild. These are the types of things that spark ideas for my novels – bits of interest for the plot or something to make my characters more interesting.
One thing I often notice is expired license plates. Doesn’t matter where I am, there are always a few. I get it – life happens. You ignore the renewal notice for whatever reason. And a month or two goes by. Not a big deal right?
Okay – so what about a year late? How about even longer than that?
I happened to be in Mississippi a while back and spotted a rather beat-up old car – a faded blue Volvo if you must know. The license plate was from Maine. At first, I felt sure I’d misread the dates on it. Those had to be wrong, ‘Sep 03.’ I stared at it for as long as I could before the car disappeared around a corner.
How does anyone manage to not get stopped for over twenty years with expired plates? How many states had this person driven through in that time? How was it even possible to have that license plate on a car?
My very active imagination began coming up with about a million scenarios for how he/she’s managed to evade capture while on the run.
Now it’s your turn. What do you think the reason might be for having those plates expired for over twenty years?